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The PicoMaster 100 Mask Writer/Laser based Lithography tool supports wafers and substrates up to 4″ square is a versatile UV laser writer with ultra high precision components, specifically designed to give the user the highest degree of freedom to write structures smaller then 300nm in photosensitive materials
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Detailed Specs
The rasterizing principle of the Mask Writer/Laser based Lithography tool ensures proper and constant exposure over the whole surface. Scanning the 4″” substrate at high speed and stepping the laser head with a software adjustable pitch.
Supporting up to 255 levels of grayscale or pure binary mode allows for 3D optical structures, surface structures as well as mask projects makes the PicoMaster’s Mask Writer/Laser based Lithography tool the ideal Litho tool for R&D.
When connected to an air conditioning unit to supply conditioned air, a build in Hepa filter will create a clean cross flow.
The massive base frame supported by isolation mounts filter out ground frequencies to ensure minimum vibrations in the system.