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High yield and high throughput separation of small die processed with Stealth Dicing™
Φ200 mm
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Detailed Specs
Reliable separation of small die wafers
The DDS2010 offers an integrated expansion and breaking solution to achieve high-yield and high-throughput die singulation of wafers processed using Stealth Dicing™ process (SD)※.
*Stealth Dicing™ is a processing method that focuses a laser within the workpiece to form a modified layer, after which a tape expander is used to separate the die. This processing method is effective in achieving street reduction for small die or rectangular-shaped die such as RFID ICs and line sensors.
High throughput
Scan breaking can be performed at a set speed for the stable separation of any die size. This is faster than 3-point breaking which requires the breaking bar to stop at each line.
Tape expansion and scan breaking
The scan breaking bar ensures 100% singulation of unseparated die after tape expansion.
After separation, the wafer is transferred to a tape frame matching the size of the wafer being processed while maintaining the space between the die.